Saturday, February 11, 2012

hypo venture capital

Hypo Venture capital asker: How can I prepare for retirement?

Written by nikkisong on Nov-6-11 5:42pm First off, start saving right NOW and keep going at it until you retire. You should also be aware of your needs once you've retired. You might also want to consider someinvestment plans to provide you passive income . And lastly, do NOT touch your retirement savings . Read Full Story Add Comments

Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Headlines: Swiss banks believed to house Greek taxes

Written by aliceadams on Nov-5-11 11:33am From: www.widepr.comNovember 05, 2011 - Business Press Release Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou believes many of the billions that have been withheld from the Greek taxman are lying in Switzerland. Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou believes many of the billions that have been withheld from the Greek taxman are lying in Switzerland. This, however, is largely the fault of Athens, according to Swiss-Greek economist Spyridon Arvanitis. Ultimately, the only people who know how much untaxed Greek money is in Switzerland are the banks. “I’ve heard every amount possible – even up to the sum of the Greek debt,” Arvanitis, from ... Read Full Story Add Comments

Dismantling the Dodd-Frank "Myths"

Written by mortgagenewsclips on Nov-1-11 12:18pm hypo venture capitalJonathan Foxx President and Managing Director of Lenders Compliance Group Recently, Neal S. Wolin, Deputy Treasury Secretary, and Anthony Coley, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Public Affairs, have taken to "dismantling" some myths about the Dodd-Frank Act and Wall Street Reform. The fact is, Dodd-Frank is with us now, and will be with us into the foreseeable future. It makes substantive changes to the financial system as we have known it. But, like any major initiative, myths build up over time, springing forth from both proponents and opponents, each with their own agendas. Most people concern themselves with Dodd-Frank in a ... Read Full Story Add Comments

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